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Bearley Dental offers treatment for injury and trauma

You never know when you might be faced with a dental emergency. At Bearley Dental in Charlottesville, Virginia, patients experiencing a dental injury may require immediate treatment with an emergency dentist. Dr. Daniel Bearley and his team can help with immediate dental care needs.

What are some dental emergencies that Dr. Daniel Bearley can handle?

At Bearley Dental, our team is skilled and experienced in providing care for patients experiencing specific dental emergencies. Below are just some of the emergency dental situations that our dental professionals in Charlottesville, Virginia, can handle:

  • Dislodged tooth – an injury to the mouth can result in a tooth being pushed into the socket. Traumatic dental injuries such as this can be addressed with our dental team and may require root canal treatment and medication.
  • Avulsed tooth – avulsed teeth are teeth knocked out of the socket that must be reattached without delay to restore the smile. The tooth is put back into the socket and reattached but is only successful if done within hours of being knocked out.
  • Lost dental restorations – in some instances, the loss of a dental restoration such as a crown or filling can leave a tooth exposed and susceptible to infection. Patients must contact their dentist right away when they have experienced the loss of a restoration and need it to be rebonded or replaced.
  • Severe tooth infection – patients who have an infection or abscess may experience a painful toothache that requires the assistance of a dentist to treat. Treatment may include the need for endodontic therapy or a “root canal,” to remove the infection and restore the tooth. Root canal therapy is often performed to eliminate the need for permanent removal of a tooth.

Contact our team today for assistance with traumatic dental injuries

Call Dr. Daniel Bearley and his team in Charlottesville, VA, to discuss your need for treatment after a dental injury at work or play. The office is located at 901 Preston Avenue, Suite #200, and accepts new and current patients who call (434) 443-8034 for an appointment.

Dr. Daniel Bearley
Dr. Daniel Bearley is a general dentist from central Pennsylvania. He graduated from Penn State University in 1997. Having completed nine years as a chemical engineer, he decided on a profession that offered more interpersonal relationships and a better work/life balance. After attending the University of Minnesota, he earned his Doctorate of Dental Surgery in 2012.

Dr. Bearley has owned his Charlottesville, Virginia, dental practice since 2014, which he has been transforming since 2018 to offer more positive, authentic, and engaging relationships focused on comprehensive dentistry. He has continued dental education at the Pankey Institute. He is a member of the American Dental Association, Virginia Dental Association, and Pankey Alumni.